The Importance of Floor Area Ratio (FAR) in Home Construction

Constructing a home or planning for one, comes with lots of budgeting, planning. To maintain the proper construction cost it is required to check the floor area ratio, such as the floor area ratio in Delhi is an estimation of the total floor area of the piece of land. When building a home it is important to take an estimate before hiring the builders to avoid any mitigation and overspending.

Calculating Floor Area Ratio

The formula for calculating Floor Area Ratio is:

FAR= Total floor area of building area of the land

FAR= Area of the land/ Total floor area of the building


Lets understand the concept with the example

If you have a lot with an area of 10,000 square feet and let's assume the total floor area of the floor to be constructed is 20,000 square feet.

So, as per the floor area index calculations

FAR= 20,000 sq ft which is equal to 2.0

FAR= 10,000 sq ft/ 20,000 sq ft



A FAR of 2.0 means that the total floor area of the building is double the area of the lot. Thai can be said as, the building occupies 200% of the total lot area.

Importance of FAR

  • FAR helps to evaluate the total land of the building to be constructed by focusing on the density control by limiting the amount of floor area, which can be developed on a given piece of land.

  • Floor area ratio regulations help to determine the ca-pacity of the infrastructure.

Importance of Floor Area Ratio

Floor area ratio is very helpful in controlling the density, infrastructure capacity and many more. Here are a few discussed as.

  • FAR regulations are important to manage the population density and urban sprawl by limiting the amount of floor area which can be developed on a given piece of land.

  • FAR guidelines incorporate sustainability principles that can be done by encouraging the efficient land use which promotes the mixed-use development and preserving the open space.

  • FAR regulations take into account the infrastructure of a home to maintain the exact calculations.

FAR Regulations help make the proper use of land,but when constructing any project. It is important to do the naksha pass, which requires a proper naksha pass fees in Haryana**.** Prithu Homes provides you with a detailed solution of all construction cost, estimations and everything related to your construction project.